Give it many food

dilluns, 13 de desembre del 2010

The adventures of Tom Sawyer

1. What do you know about Mark Twain? He was born in Florida, in 1835. In 1879 he wrote the Adventures of Tom Sawyer. Mark Twain died in 1910d. He was seventy-four years old.
2. Write a summary of each chapter. Add images/videos...
Tom lived in a small village in St.Petersburg with his Aunt Polly.
In the summer evenings Tom walked around the village.
One Saturday morning Tom painted a long fence.
Tom saw his friends in the street.
His friends were painting with a white brush.
Aunt Polly saw the beautiful fence and she was very happy with Tom.

3. Write a description of the main characters.

-Tom Sawyer: Tom was a boy. He lived in village called St.Petersburg with his aunt Polly, his brother Sid and hi sister Mary. Tom was intelligent and he liked adventures. His best friends was Huck.

-Becky Thatcher: Becky was a new girl in Tom's school. Tom's liked she because she was beautiful and intelligent.

-Aunt Polly: Polly was a Tom aunt. She had a blue eyes and blond hair.

-Huckleberry Finn: Huck was a boy. He lived in the streets with his father. He was a Tom's friend.

-Injun Joe:
He was an Indian person. He killed Doctor Robinson. When he killed Dr.Robinson he put the knife in Muff Potter's hand and everyone thought that he was a killer. Finally he died in the cave.

-Muff Potter:
Muff Potter is a good person. He had brown hair and he wore old clothes. He is innocent to the crime in the graveyard.

4. SPEAKING:Podcasting

-Option A : Reading the summaries.

-Option B: Find your favourite scene and podcast it in pairs.
5. Write your group summary in Tom Sawyer's wiki.


The sheriff found Muff Potter's knife near the body of the doctor. He put Muff in St. Perersburg small jail. Tom and Huck saw Injun Joe kill the doctor, Muff didn't kill him. One day on the summer Tom, Joe and Huck went to sit by the mississippi River. They fished, talked and looked at the boats. Then, they wanted to go to Jackson's Island. At midnight the three boys met on the river. When they arrived on the island they made a fire and cooked some meat.

The next morning they went swimming in the river. Then they went fishing and cooked the fish on the fire and ate it. the people of St. Petersburg went to church because they thought they had killed the children. When they were do in the mass the boys appeared and everyone was happy.

external image Rio%2520Dinamarca.jpg

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